Joe Cools is a family-owned business with a 25 year success record of reliable, helpful and friendly customer service.

Warranty & Service Solutions

What do I do if my air conditioner breaks down or won’t work?

When you purchase from Joe Cools we provide you with peace of mind about how to look after your air conditioning system right from day one and what to do if it stops working or breaks down.

To reduce the need for and cost of unwarranted maintenance and service call outs, we provide on installation:

We stand behind all the air conditioning products we sell and we ensure you have the information required to keep your air conditioner running smoothly and if your air conditioning system is in trouble, get it up and running again as quick as possible.

While regular air conditioner maintenance will help your system last longer and run more reliably and smoothly, they won’t make it invincible.

If your system won’t work it may not have broken down, here is what you should do step-by-step.

STEP 1 – It could be something simple

YES - record the control panels ERROR Code (look it up in the instruction manual).

NO - check the isolating switch near the outdoor unit. Is it switched on?

CHECK - the circuit breaker at the meter box – Is it switched on?

STEP 2 – Air conditioner manufacturer's warranty

Check your warranty information, date and purchase documents.

YES – It is under manufacturer’s warranty.

NO – It is no longer in warranty.

STEP 3 – Nothing lasts forever

Consider the age of the air conditioner; age takes its toll on mechanical services and, at some point, they reach retirement. Is it still reliably working?

NO – Its stopped working, and either the repairs won’t cut it or is it too expensive to repair?

YES – It still works but has a few quirks, it is noisy, inefficient and really needs replacing.

If you want to replace the once ‘old faithful’ air conditioner with another reliable machine, Joe Cools can help you find a replacement to meet your current needs and budget.